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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Another example of animation on a name.

You will need Paint Shop Pro, I'm using version 10.
Animation Shop 3.
Eye Candy 4000 and Lokas Software/3D Shadow
Select font of choice.
I'm using Qwigley

Using your text tool, click on your tag.
Set your font to "Qwigley" font or font of choice.
Size 100, Units: Pixel, Center Alignment.
Anti-alias: Sharp.
Stroke width: 0
Create as : Vector.
For this font I selected Kerning of -25. This does not apply to all fonts, but you can play around with it.
It brings your letters either closer or further apart.

Type your name out, choosing a color of choice in background materials box. Black is NOT a good color, doesn't show the effect very well, so choose a complimentary color from your tag/tube.

Click OK.
Convert to Raster Layer and duplicate.
On bottom name (original), add Effect of choice.
For this tutorial, go to Effects, Eye Candy 4000, Gradient Glow, enter the following:

Now add drop shadow. If using the plugin 3D Shadow by Lokas Software, use these settings:

If you don't have that plug in, use your normal drop shadow in PSP.
Go to Effects, 3d effects, drop shadow.
V=7  H=0  Opacity=83  Blur=6  Color=Black

Ok now click on the top name layer.
Go to Effect, Eye Candy, HSB Noise and enter the following settings:

Now add this drop shadow:

Go to Edit, copy merged.
Go to Animation Shop and right click paste as a new animation.

Back in PSP, go to Edit and undo drop shadow, undo HSB Noise.
Now repeat the effect, and click on Random Seed.
Add the same drop shadow.

Go to Edit, copy merged.
Go to Animation Shop and right click on the current name and paste after selected frame.

Back in PSP, go to Edit and undo drop shadow, undo HSB Noise.
Now repeat the effect, and click on Random Seed.
Add the same drop shadow.
Go to Edit, copy merged.
Go to Animation Shop and right click on the the last frame (2nd frame) and paste after selected frame.
You now have 3 frame with 3 different HSB Noise settings.

Play. If you like it, go to Edit, select all.
Go to Edit, Copy.

Activate your tag. Make sure all frames are selected.
Go to Edit, make sure Propagate Paste is depressed (selected).
Go to Edit, Paste, Paste into Selected Frame.
Position and click in place where you want name to appear.


Hope you enjoyed this tutorial,
Hugs Simone
Please, always direct people to my blog to download my animations.
Do not load to any other download site and don't claim as your own.
Tutorial written by SophisticatSimone aka Lorraine Halle on Sunday June 23, 2013

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for the straight forward easy tutorials
