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Sunday, June 23, 2013
Please click on TAG to see in full size.
•••  Supplies needed to complete this tutorial. •••
Programs: Paint Shop Pro, I'm using version 10. Animation Shop 3.
Plugin : Eye Candy: Gradient Glow for name.
Font used: Jenna Sue
Tube of choice: I'm using "The double trouble makers" by aLDoDarK from SATC.
Scrap Kit : I'm using "Zen Legend" by P-O Concept from SATC
Animation: none
Mask: 140
Save your tag often. Nothing like working long and hard on a tag and PSP crashes.
Open a new image 600 x 600
Copy and paste tube of choice on your banner. Re-size by 80% and remove the bottom portion of your tube with your selection tool.
Position tube over on the left side. Add drop shadow.

Open paper 10 and duplicate. Close original.
Apply Mask 140. Merge group. Copy and paste as a new layer on your tag.
Send this layer to bottom. Duplicate and merge. If you need to re-size your canvas, do so now.

C/P element 31 as a new layer and move to the left side of tag. Duplicate and merge together.
Duplicate and move this one to the right side.

C/P element 68 as a new layer and move to the right side of tag. Re-size by 70% and add drop shadow.

C/P element 38 as a new layer. Position in center of tag and behind your tube. Duplicate and free rotate by 40 degrees to the left.
Move this layer to the left of your tube. Add drop shadow to each.

C/P element 71 as a new layer. Move to left side. Position this layer behind the rotate feathers layer.
C/P element 29 as a new layer. Move to far right side of tag. Add drop shadow.
C/P element 21 as a new layer and re-size by 45%. Duplicate. Position flowers in front of eggs.
C/P element 61 as a new layer. Move a little to the right of your tube. Duplicate and merge together.
C/P element 32 as a new layer. Mirror your dragon and position on the eggs on the right side of tag. Add drop shadow.
C/P element 69 as a new layer. Move to the right side, add drop shadow.
C/P element 20 as a new layer and re-size by 40%. Move to the bottom left hand side of tag. Add drop shadow.

Merge all visible.
Add artist copyright.
Add name.
I used Jenna Sue as my font.
Used Eye Candy gradient glow and added a drop shadow.
Save as PNG.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial,
Hugs Simone
Please, always direct people to my blog to download my animations.
Do not load to any other download site and don't claim as your own.
Tutorial written by SophisticatSimone aka Lorraine Halle on Sunday June 23, 2013.


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